Born in Moscow in 1939.
Graduated from the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography in 1962.
The artist’s works are kept in Museums and collections:
of the Queen of Spain Sophia (Madrid),
ex-UN-Secretary-General J.Perez de Cuellar (New York),
Ioannis Kardasidis (Athens),
the C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City, NJ, USA),
the State Central Theatre Museum named after A.A.Bakhrushin (Moscow),
museums of the Maly Theatre (Moscow) and the Drama Theatre in Panevezhis (Lithuania),
The Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art,
The Foundation for the Fine Arts Promotion.

2004 Maly Manezh
2004 Studiya Gallery
2001 Tushino Exhibition Hall
1998 Athens (Greece). Kardasidis Art Gallery
1996 House of Friendship (Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Italian Republic
1995 Exhibition Hall of the Council of Federation
1995 Nagornaya Gallery,
1994 Bulgarian Cultural Centre
1993 Central House of Artists
1989 Gorizia (Italy). XIX International Fair
1988 Palermo (Italy). Exhibition Hall of the Municipal Library
1986 Moscow. Exhibition Hall of the Artists Union of Russia
2003 Central House of Artists, Moscow
2003 Kino (Cinema) Gallery, Moscow,
2002 Yuzhny Krest (Southern Cross), Moscow
2002 Art-Manezh,
2003 Kino (Cinema) Gallery, Moscow,
2002 Yuzhny Krest (Southern Cross), Moscow,
2000 C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, Jersey City, NJ, USA
2000 InterArt, Huntingdon, NY, USA
1998 Zalman, New York,
1997 Kardasidis ART, Athens,
1991 Lutezia, Concorde Lafayette, Paris
1990 San Carlo, Milan.
Scene designs for the Maly Theatre:
The Robbers’ by F.Schiller (1969),
‘Man and Globe’ by V.Lavrentiev (1970),
‘Stony Landlord’ by L.Ukrainka (1971),
‘Yakov Pasynkov’ by I.Turgenev (1982),
‘Quiet Flows the Don’ by M.Sholokhov (project, 1967),
‘Tsar Feodor Ioannovitch’ by A.K.Tolstoy (project, 1978).
Participation in auctions
Drouot (Paris) and Daning (Chicago) in 1992.
Central TV programme on the artist’s Dantean series (1992), film on the Rtr TV channel about his work (1993).
chez les nobles 17500 Vanzac France
+33(0)546709667 France