Artist Andrei Budaev was born in 1963 in Moscow. He is a member of the Russian and Moscow Unions of Artists. Since 1995, Andrei Budaev has been preoccupied with political and social posters. In 1996, he was awarded the Grand-prix at the Graphics Biennale in Kaliningrad.
Andrei Budaev’s works are in private and corporative collections in Russia and abroad. In 2000–2005, his works were exhibited in Washington, New York, Paris, Berlin, and Copenhagen.
Personal Exhibitions :
2008 – «La Révolution continue», Gala galerie, Moscou
2006 - Post-Soviet Democracy – 15 Years of Parodies, The State Museum of History of St.Peterburg,
2006 - The Peter and Paul Fortress, Saint-Petersburg
2005 - Post-Soviet Democracy – 15 Years of Parodies, Exhibition Center St. Petersburg Union of Artists,
2006 - Saint-Petersburg
2005 - Post-Soviet Democracy – 15 Years of Parodies, Moscow, “New Manezh”
2000 - Post-Soviet Democracy – 10 Years of Parodies, Tula
2000 - Modern Political Poster, Jerusalem
1999 - Post-Soviet Democracy – 10 Years of Parodies, Moscow, “New Manezh”
1999 - Post-Soviet Democracy – 10 Years of Parodies, Tula
1997 - Political Poster, Kaliningrad
Exhibitions :
2008 – Salon International d'art contemporain de Moscou Art Manège, Moscou
2008 - Nouveau Manège, Moscou
2007 – Art Manège, Moscou
2006 – Art Manège, Moscou
2005 – Art Manège, Moscou
2005 – New York
1999 - Art Manège, Moscou
Andrey Budaev is not only proficient in modern technologies of computer graphics. He is a philosopher who doesn’t stand back from day-to-day life in order to find the great truths. He has an analytical vision and looks with sarcasm and anxiety at the outward things. But it not the tragedian. Many works cause a smile. 130 works and all spectrum of plots - from a joke up to a tragicomedy, from Gorbachev and Yeltsin up to Putin, from Tchernomyrdin and Kasyanov up to Fradkov and Gref. Maybe, that’s why the postmodern artist makes his allies of phantasmagoric Bosch, ironical Breigel, and mystic Goya. Sometimes it is easier to see the absurd gist of the matter than to show it to the others. Andrey Budaev has succeeded in doing this.

chez les nobles 17500 Vanzac France
+33(0)546709667 France