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© gala galerie 2002-2009 | Made in DT studio
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A highly successful artist may make the whole world to live in a space of his/her own creation.
V.Kirillov, séparation décorative d'intérieur en bronze
V.Kirillov, Pare-feu (Don Quixote)
V.Kirillov, "Gardien", Grand magasin, Moscou
V.Kirillov, Chapiteau
V.Kirillov, Cheminée
V.Kirillov, Grand magasin, Moscou
chez les nobles 17500 Vanzac France
+33(0)546709667 France
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+7(495)5182918 Russie
gala galerie
Vladimir Djemesuk
Valery Kharitonov
Kirill Protopopov
Andreï Boudaev
Alexey Lantsev
Michel Dronov
Viktor Korneev
Dalgat Dalgatov
Konstantin Inal-Ipa
Vadim Kirillov
Maria Souvorova
Sacha Souvorova
Valeria Kozina
Victor Kazarin
Eugénie Lindin
We think of the sculpture as "precise and excellent Art that is structural arrangement for human bodies and forms of animals and plants, architecture of clouds in the sky and too, architecture of human personalities and the whole passions of the heart and noble impulses of the soul."
Antoin Bourdelle